Monday, 21 February 2011

What Salaries Are Paid to Doctors in Russia, Ukraine... and Elsewhere in the World?

RussiaMarket Leader informed

By definition, the doctor is one of the most respectable professions in any society. Respectable, but not always and everywhere adequately paid and, as a result, appreciated by the government. How are medical practitioners doing in the CIS area and should they envy their foreign colleagues - the subject of another analysis carried out by experts of the Masterforex-V Trading Academy.

Salaries of Doctors in CIS

 Russia and Moscow. There are over 600,000 doctors working in Russia - it is one of the highest per capita figures (there are about 800,000 doctors in the US with a population more than double of that in Russia). So, per one doctor, there are:
* 199 patients in Russia;
* 294 people in France;
* 238 people in Belgium;
* 1,246 people in Belarus.

Gas Prices: Why did Demand Decline?

Gas Prices: Why did Demand Decline?Market Leader informed

Relatively warm weather in the US during the reporting week pushed down demand for gas used for domestic heating and by power stations. According to the National Weather Service, during the reporting week air temperature in the territory of the USA was below the norm for the third week at a go and lower than in the same period last year staying at an average of 30.3F, which is 2.1F lower than last year and 4.9 lower that the five-year average. However, the temperature rose last week, including by 12.6F or 16% in some southern and central regions.

The market of corn: what price attracts investors most of all?

cornMarket Leader informed

The price of corn has grown up to the record 30-month high. And there are no preconditions for the price to stabilize. The closest resistance level is at $0.779/b, the high of June 2008. Last month the production volume (which turned out to be lower than expected) was the major market driver. This month it is the increased demand for corn that influences the price. A decline (by 4Mtons) in the crop yield in Mexico expected this winter keeps influencing the market as well.

Exclusive trading system TS4ET.

Market Leader informed

Strange as it may seem, but the famous Pareto rule (also known as the “80/20 rule” or the principle of the “vital few and the trivial many” is applicable anywhere. 20% of the world population uses 80% of all the available recourses (if it was vice versa then 80% of efforts would only be 20% efficient).
Trading is based on statistics, which is a terrible thing. It is impossible to deceive it. Figures reveal everything. Out of 100% of traders only about 5% (professionals) earn. They make 20% efforts to achieve 80% results – profit. If you are one of them, just take a break.
The remaining 95% of the traders do not take the rule into account. They are busy deceiving themselves and losing their deposits, time and effort but getting their own “golden” experience.

Out of all those hordes of “traders” who once came to the market planning to conquer it, only those reached success, who:
·         Lost their deposits within the first 1-1.5 years
·         Stopped trading to reconsider everything and then came back
·         Spent money to study 4 or 5 different trading system but didn’t understand anything and decided to create their own TS
·         Started using timeframes H1 and higher during the trading process
·         Forgot about the super-profitability of 100% a month and higher
·         Do not allow the total risk for all the trades to exceed 2.5-5% of the capital.
·         First place a stop loss order then open a trade.